Sekretariat: SMP Negeri 4 Jl. Kopeng No. 91 Kota Sukabumi

KELAS                                    : VIII (KURIKULUM 2013)
HARI / TANGGAL              :              
WAKTU                                                : 120 Menit

1.       Lengkapi Identitas pada lembar jawaban komputer (LJK) dengan baik dan benar dengan cara menghitamkan bulatan sesuai dengan identitas.
2.       Waktu yang tersedia adalah 120 menit untuk menyelesaikan paket soal UKK.
3.       Jumlah soal 50 butir pilihan ganda, pada setiap butir soal terdapat 4 (empat) pilihan jawaban.
4.       Periksalah kelengkapan soal, jumlah halaman, nomor soal dan kejelasan soal. Laporkan pada pengawas jika ditemukan soal yang rusak, kurang jelas atau tidak lengkap.
5.       Tidak diijinkan menggunakan kalkulator, HP, Tabel, kamus atau alat bantu lainnya.
6.       Mintalah kertas buram kepada pengawas jika diperlukan.
7.       Periksalah pekerjaan anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ujian.
8.      Lembar soal tidak boleh dicorat-coret.

Choose the best answer of A, B, C or D.

1.      How many things or units that we compare in a comparative degree?
A.  one
B.  two
C.  three
D.  three or more

Look at the picture below

2.      Mount Everest is …………………. than Mount Lhotse. It is one of …………………. mountain in the world.
a.       higher; the highest
b.      the highest; higher
c.       higher; higher
d.      the highest; the highest

3.      “I have 10 books. Shinta has 15 books. My teacher has 20 books”.
These sentences are correct, except ...
a.       I have fewer books than Shinta
b.      My teacher has the most books than me
c.       Shinta has more books than me
d.      My teacher has fewer books than Shinta

4.      Read the table below then choose the correct statement!

a.       Edo is higher than udin, and he is younger than Dayu.
b.      Udin is higher than Edo, but he is older than Dayu.
c.       Edo is thinner than Udin, and he is shorter than Dayu.
d.      Udin is fatter than Dayu, but he is taller than Edo.

5.      “I have two wheels and I will make a sound like “kring.. kring..”. You can ride me wherever you want.” What is the possible answer for the description above?
a.       Motorcycle                                          c. Bicycle
b.      Car                                                      d. Bus

6.      Ant is a small insect. It can live everywhere. Sometimes you can find it in your glass of tea or in your food. They can survive everywhere.
Ant is like other insect. The body of ant is divided into three parts. Those are the head, mesosoma (chest) and metasoma (belly). Ant is small, but it is a strong insect. It can carry something that is bigger than ant. It lives in a colony and makes a hole to lay its egg.
Choose an option that explains the purpose of the text above:...
a.       To tell the reader about the describing of ant
b.      To describe ant
c.       To entertain the reader
d.      To tell about past event

7.      The word it in the paragraph above means ....
a.       Belly                                                    c. Insects
b.      Chest                                                   d.  Ant

8.    Read the options and choose a sentence that tells about an action in the past.
a.       She was really tired.                            c.  He stayed alone at home.
b.      The weather was hot.                          d.  The flowers were beautiful.

Read the text then answer the questions!
My brother, Rizal, and I made the garden benches when my father cut down the old manggo tree behind our house three weeks ago. We saw a big piece of wood. Then we had an idea. We told Dad we wanted to make garden benches. He agreed and he would help us. Then, he sawed the trunk into three pieces. 25 cm in diameter, and 25 cm in height. After that Rizal and I rubbed them with sandpaper to make them smooth. After that we dried them in the sun for one week. When they were dry, we painted them, one green, one red, and one blue. Finally, we dried them in the sun again for three days.

99.     What did they make?
a.       Piece of wood                                     c.  Manggo tree
b.      Garden benches                                  d.  The trunk of the tree

10.  “Then, he sawed the trunk into three pieces “
What is the suitable word to replace the underlined word?
a.       Cut                                                      c. Broke
b.      Saw                                                     d.  Brought

111.  What is the purpose of the text?
a.       To describe the pieces of wood.
b.      To entertain the reader about the wood
c.       To tell te reader how to make garden benches
d.      To retell the writer’s experience in making garden benches

12.  She ... some food when I saw her.
a.       Is                                                         c.  Were eating
b.      Are eating                                           d.  Was eating

13.  They ... to the school together yesterday.
a.       Are                                                      c.  Go
b.      Went                                                   d.  Were

14.  Arrange the following sentences into a good order.
1) Those countries were Germany and an Arabic country.
2) It took me about 29 hours until I arrived at Soekarno Hatta Airport in Jakarta.
3) Last month I came back to Indonesia from Madrid.
4) It was very long because I had to transit in two countries.
a.       3, 1, 2, 4                                              c.  4, 1, 2, 3
b.      3, 2, 4, 1                                              d.  4, 3, 2, 1

15.  Between – Indonesia – lies – two – and – two – continents –oceans
      1                2             3       4          5      6              7             8      
The best arrangenment is ...
a.       2 – 3 – 1 – 4 – 7 – 5 – 6 – 8
b.      2 – 1 – 3 – 7 – 5 – 8 – 4 – 6
c.       2 – 3 – 4 – 1 – 5 – 7 – 8 – 6
d.      2 – 1 – 3 – 5 – 7 – 6 – 4 – 8

16.  (1) She is smart and very friendly.
(2) She always speaks English to us.
(3) I am proud of my English teacher.
(4) Her English is very good and very clear.
a.       2 – 3 – 1 – 4
b.      4 – 3 – 2 – 1
c.       3 – 2 – 4 – 1
d.      3 – 1 – 4 – 2

Read the text then answer the questions!
Once upon a time in a beautiful forest, there lived a big and strong tiger. There also lived a swarm of thin deer. The big tiger loved to sleep and to eat. He was big and strong. The deer remained small and thin because not much grass left to eat. The tiger was very generous although he was strong and was able to eat the deer whenever he wanted, he didn’t do that. He let the deer lived as his neighbor.

17.  The setting of the story is ....
a.       long time ago                                      c.  in a beautiful jungle
b.      in a palace                                           d. in a snowy forest

18.  The characters in the story are ....
a.       the crocodile and the tiger                  c.  the tiger and the mouse
b.      the deer and the crocodile                  d.  the tiger and the deer

Read the following text and answer the questions provided below.

The Selfish Wolf
Once upon a time, there was a pack of wolf lived in the jungle. Every night they went hunting and brought the prey to the pack. They ate together, they sang, and danced under the moonlight. They always stayed together and protected each other from the hunters. Among the wolves in the pack, there was one wolf which was so selfish and ignorant. He was the fastest among all and he always got bigger prey. He always separated himself from the others because didn’t want to share his prey with the other wolves.
One night when all the wolves went hunting, one wolf got injured. The other wolves stopped and helped him. The selfish wolf didn’t want to stop.
“We have to stop for a while.” said one of the wolves.
“No. You take care of him. I am veryhungry.” said the selfish wolf.
“But we have to stay together. What if there are hunters out there?”
“Don’t worry. I run fast.”
The selfish wolf left the pack and his injured friend.The selfish wolf ran in the middle of the jungle. When the selfish wolf was looking for prey, he heard gun shots. “It must be the hunters” he said. He ran as fast as he could. He didn’t realize that he stepped on a hunter’s trap. He was trapped and couldn’t get out. Then the hunters brought him and put him in a cage. Since then, the wolf lived in a cage. Every night he looked at the moon and howled. He tried to tell his friends where he was. Sadly, no one came to help him.

19.  What kind of text is it?
a.       Recount                                               c.  Descriptive
b.      Narrative                                             d.  Report

20.  What is the purpose of the text?
a.       To entertain the reader
b.      To tell the writer’s experience
c.       To describe someone’s appearance
d.      To describe the selfish wolf in general

21.  “When the selfish wolf was looking for prey, he heard gun shots.”
The word “he” refers to ... .
a.       Hunters                                               c.  The selfish wolf
b.      The injured wolf                                 d.  A pack of wolves

22.  What is the moral value of the story?
a.       Do not step on a trap.
b.      Do not wait for an injured friend.
c.       Do not leave a friend when he needs help.
d.      Do not search for something alone.

When I ... ( 23) a baby, when I could not do anything, my parents and my elder brother ... (24) care of me. My brother isfive years older than me. I ... (25) with my mum. I slept in a baby cot in my parents bedroom. My brother slept in his own room. My mum breastfed me for two years.

23.  ...
a.       Is                                                         c.  Are
b.      Am                                                      d.  Was

24.  ...
a.       Take                                                    c.  Took
b.      Takes                                                   d.  Taking

25.   ...
a.       Don’t sleep                                          c.  Didn’t sleep
b.      Didn’t slept                                         d.  Doesn’t sleep

26.  .           To: Anna
.           Can I come to your house this afternoon? Need to get my books.
.           I left them in your bedroom.


Nadia wants to go to Anna`s house, ....
a.       to meet Anna                                      c.  to study together
b.      to get her books                                  d.  to borrow books from Anna

27.  I left them in your bedroom”
The underlined word refers to ...
a.       Bedroom                                             c.  Books
b.      House                                                  d.  Nadia
28.  Where do you usually find this notice?

a.       At a gas station
b.      At a school
c.       At a toilet
d.      At a park

29.  If you want to make a notice that asks people not to step on the grass, the notice will show the following phrase ....




Read the announcement below, then answer the questions!

We are going to have an experiment. Please be careful. There are some dangerous chemical substances in this laboratory. They may easily explode. Thank you.

330.  Where could you hear the announcement?
a.       in a library                                           c.  in a classroom
b.      in a laboratory                                     d.  in a language laboratory

31.  "They may easily explode."
The word "they" refers to ... .
a.       the laboratories                                    c.  the experiment
b.      the equipment                                                 d.  chemical substances

32.  Arrange these sentences into correct order!
(1)   Sorry, can’t study together with our group today.
(2)   To Adam:
(3)   Tell others I am sorry.
(4)   Luna
(5)   Need to accompany mom.
a. 2 – 1 – 5 – 3 – 4
                                   c.  4 – 3 – 5 – 1 – 2
b. 2 – 1 – 3 – 4 – 5 .                                  d.  4 – 3 – 1 – 2 – 5

33.                     Dad, don’t wait for me, will be doing school project till late at Danny`s house. Will stay there tonight.

Choose the sentence that is NOT true according to the text above:
a.       Rama is staying in Danny`s house tonight.
b.      Rama is doing his assignment tonight.
c.       Dad will work until late tonight.
d.      Rama is staying at Danny`s because he is working until late.

34.  To Sakti,
I’m glad that now you are chosen as the captain of our basketball team. Congratulation!


Based on the above congratulation card, the following statements are FALSE, except...
a.       Saktiwon the basket competition
b.      Amanda’s sister is glad
c.       Sakti is the new captain of the basketball team
d.      Amanda expresses a sadness

Read the lyric below and answer the questions!
Heart beats fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave
How can I love when I'm afraid
To fall
But watching you stand alone
All of my doubt
Suddenly goes away somehow
One step closer
I have died every day
waiting for you
Darlin' don't be afraid
I have loved you for aThousand years
I'll love you for aThousand more

35.  “How can I love when I'm afraid
The underlined word means ...
a.       Shy
b.      Brave
c.       Scared
d.      Embarassed
Read the song below and answer the question!
You know how much I love you
I need you forever
I ‘ll stay by your side
Daddy oh Daddy
I want always bliss you
But I never stop trying
to be your number one
You understand me….
You teach me how to pray..
And you play the game I love to play
I have no fear here when you are near
You guide me through the dark is night
36.  What is the song about?
a.       It’s about a man who really loves his dad
b.      B. It’s about a man who really loves his kid
c.       It’s about a man whose dad is perfect
d.      It’s about a man who loves to bug his dad
37.  Siti       : “Let’s wrap the gift for Lina. Can we do it on your table?”
Beni     : “Please do, but don’t make a mess.”
The expression “Let’s wrap the gift for Lina!” is ... .
a.       prohibition                                           c.  invitation
b.      permission                                           d.  instruction

38.  Which of the following statement is TRUE ?
a.       Twice a day sweep the floor!
b.      Sweep the floor twice a day !
c.       To sweep the floor twice a day!
d.      You sweep the floor twice a day!

39.  Janet    : Can you play the violin on the stage?
Kim     : Sorry, ... . I need to learn how to play it.
a.       Yes, I can                                            c.  May be
b.      Yes, I think so                                     d.  I can’t
Fill in the blank with the suitable words!
I (40) ...a cat. The cat likes playing a toy. My cat usually (41) ... with a dog as well. They play in a park close to the place I live. My cat (42) every day. I buy the fish at a traditional market because I can (43) ... fresher fish there.

40.  I ... a cat.
a.       have                                                     c.   had
b.      has                                                       d.   having

441.  My cat usually ... with a dog as well.
a.       play                                                     c.   played
b.      plays                                                    d.   playing

42.  My cat ... fish every day.
a.       don’t eat                                              c.   does eat
b.      didn’t eat                                            d.   doesn’t eat

43.  I can ... fresher fish there.
a.       buying                                     c.   buys
b.      bought                                                 d.  buy

44.  The statement “I wonder if you could have dinner at my home before we see the concert” expresses....
a.       an invitation
b.      an instruction
c.       a prohibition
d.      a permission
45.  What are they doing?
a.       They are dancing
b.      She is dancing
c.       He is going somewhere
d.      They are playing volleyball

446.  The statement that expresses a prohibition is ....
a.       Can I take my cousin to the concert?
b.      Don’t bring her pet to the concert.
c.       Keep these tickets.
d.      Sure. I’m a big fan of Noah because I like their songs

47.  Deri     : ... money do you have in your wallet?
Indi     : I have only Rp. 15.000 in my wallet.
a.       How many                                          c.  How long
b.      How much                                          d.  How far

Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks!
A: I’d like ... (48) eggs, please.
B: Of course. How ... (49) would you like?
A: Six, please. Are there ... (50) tomatoes?
B: Certainly. How many do you need?
A: A kilo, please.
48.  ...
a.       Any                                                     c.  Much
b.      Little                                                   d.  Some

49.  ...
a.       Many                                                   c.  Little
b.      Much                                                   d.  Long

50.  ...
a.       Any
b.      Little
c.       Much
d.      Few

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22 komentar:

  1. Anak anak tolong kasih komentar atau pertanyaan ya atas soal diatas mungkin vocabularynya atau soalnya sulit

  2. Ass Mr mau bertanyaaa tentang soal NO 1
    1. How many things or units that we compare in a comparative degree?
    A. one
    B. two
    C. three
    D. three or more
    MAKSUD UNIT DISINI BANDINGANNYA GIMANA MR SAYA KURANG MENGERTI ?? Wah mr waktu ada kisi2 ini saya merasa mudah untuk mencarinyaa dan saya berterimakasih mr :)

  3. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  4. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  5. makasih Mr in shaa allah ini bisa memudahkan nya Mr :)

  6. Pak saya ikhsan dari kelas 8f kalau soal no 45."what are they doing?" atau "apa yang mereka lakukan?" itu soal cerita nya di ambil dari no berapa? Terima kasih

  7. Makasih Mr. udah bikin blog ini sangat membantu dalam proses pembelajaran saya mr. :):):)

  8. Pak saya Ibrahim dari kelas 8F . soal yang no 1 sedikit ga ngerti

  9. Thanks Mr.huda soal soal ini membantu saya untuk mengerjakan soal soal ukk menjadi lebih mudah

  10. dan juga terima kasih banyak sudah membuat blog ini mr huda

  11. makasihh ya Mr soal soal nya membantu saya dalam pembelajaran.

  12. Trimakasih Telah membuat blog ini Pak Huda

  13. Pak terima kasih telah membuat blog ini karena bisa menambah pembelajaran saya tentang materi materi bahasa inggris

  14. some of your grammar is not according to its place mr. but keep it up..that's great..

  15. Maaf bisa dikasih kunci jawaban nya?
