Kosa Kata Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris

(phrasal after verb) When a recipe tells you to add a particular spice or other flavouring to taste, it means that you can add as much of that ingredient as you like.
           Add tomato paste, salt and pepper to taste.
skip kb. lompatan, loncatan. -kkt. (skipped) 1 melewati, melampaui (a page). 2 Inf.: mangkir, bolos (class di kelas). 3 meloncati (a grade kelas). 4 Inf.: melarikan diri (town dari kota). 5 meluncurkan (st
identify kkt. (identified) mengenal(i) memperkenalkan. -kki. to i. with a party memihak kepada suatu partai.
tribunal kb. pengadilan.
(adj verb link  To be subject to something means to be affected by it or to be likely to be affected by it.        Prices may be subject to alteration...
           In addition, interest on Treasury issues isn't subject to state and local income taxes.
      8  ADJ  v-link ADJ to n
     If someone is subject to a particular set of rules or laws, they have to obey those rules or laws.
           The tribunal is unique because Mr Jones is not subject to the normal police discipline code.
groove kb. 1 alur, galur, lekuk. the grooves in a dirt road galur-galur pada jalan tanah.2 lurah. Sl. in the g. berjalan baik. to get out of the g. meninggalkan pekerjaan sehari-hari. -kkt. menggalur, membua
chronological ks. kronologis, secara berturut-turut. in c. order secara kronologis/berturut-turut.
plot kb. potong/bidang tanah (kapling). 2 isi cerita, alur (of a story). 3 komplotan. -kkt. (plotted) 1 merencanakan dengan diam-diam. 2 menggambari (s.t. on a graph). 3 merencanakan (o's course). -kki. be
comment kb. 1 komentar. 2 ulasan. -kki. 1 memberikan komentar/ulasan, mengomentari. 2 mempercakapkan. 3 menguraikan. 4 menyebut.
(adj) If you are chagrined by something, it disappoints, upsets, or annoys you, perhaps because of your own failure. (WRITTEN)
           The chair of the committee did not appear chagrined by the compromises and delays.
seek kkt. (sought) 1 mencari (a job, book). 2 meminta. 3 mencoba. -kki. dicari, diketemukan.
(n-var) Fruit or a fruit is something which grows on a tree or bush and which contains seeds or a stone covered by a substance that you can eat.
           Fresh fruit and vegetables provide fibre and vitamins.
           ...bananas and other tropical fruits...
           Try to eat at least one piece of fruit a day.
(adv) If something happens immediately, it happens without any delay.
           He immediately flung himself to the floor...
           Ingrid answered Peter's letter immediately.
  2  ADV  ADV adj
If something is immediately obvious, it can be seen or understood without any delay.
           The cause of the accident was not immediately apparent.
      = instantly = dengan segera
consequently sebagai konsekwensi
(adj) Consequently means as a result. (FORMAL)
           Grandfather Dingsdale had sustained a broken back while working in the mines. Consequently, he spent the rest of his life in a wheelchair...
somehow kk. 1 bagaimanapun juga. 2 entah bagaimana.
straighten kkt. meluruskan (rood, nail, picture, tie). to s. out a matter 1 memebreskan/menyelesaikan suatu hal. 2 menjadi baik lagi. to s. up 1 mengatur, memberes-bereskan (a room). 2 tegak, berdiri.
strike kb. 1 pemogokan. The s. has been called off Pemogokan sudah dihentikan. 2 penemuan (of gold). 3 Mil.: serangan. -kkt. (struck, struck atau stricken) 1 melanggar, menabrak. 2 menemukan. 3 memukul, mena
sanctuary kb. (j. -ries) 1 bagian dari gereja didekat altar. 2 Rel.: tempat perlindungan. 3 (wildlife) cagar alam. 4 perlindungan.
mortuary kb. (j. -ries) rumah/kamar mayat.
thus kk. 1 demikian. Do it t. Kerjakanlah demikian. 2 jadi. She is ill ; t. she can't come Ia sakit, jadi ia tak dapat datang. 3 hingga. t. for hingga kini.
representing mewakili
deputize kkt. mewakilkan kepada.
morgue kb. rumah mati.
buddhist kb. penganut Buda. -ks. Buda. B. beliefs kepercayaan-kepercayaan Buda.
(verb) If you synchronize two activities, processes, or movements, or if you synchronize one activity, process, or movement with another, you cause them to happen at the same time and speed as each other.
           It was virtually impossible to synchronise our lives so as to take holidays and weekends together...
           Synchronise the score with the film action.
           ...a series of unexpected, synchronized attacks.
hectic ks. tidak tenang, ribut, ramai sekali.
purchase kb. 1 pembelian, belanjaan (of s.t.). 2 belian. -kkt. 1 membeli. 2 memperoleh. -purchasing kb. pembelian. p. power daya beli.
superb ks. hebat. -superbly kk. bagus, gagah, agung.
pretty ks. cantik, molek, manis. She's a p. girl Ia seorang gadis yang cantik. -kk. agak.
pleasurable ks. yang menyenangkan (experience, occasion).
(n-count) A hotline is a special, direct telephone line between the heads of government in different countries.
           They have discussed setting up a military hotline between Hanoi and Bangkok.
reparation kb. penggantian rugi. to make r. mengadakan perbaikan, memperbaiki. -reparations j. pampasan.
identical ks. sama, serupa. i. dresses pakaian yang sama. i. twins anak kembar satu telur.
distinctive ks. 1 khusus. d. manner of dress cara berpakaian khusus. 2 tersendiri. d. sound bunyi yang tersendiri.
taxonomy kb. sistim klasifikasi khususnya dalam dunia tumbuh-tumbuhan dan binatang.
refreshment kb. minuman, makanan. It's about time to take some r. Sudah tiba waktunya untuk minum dan makan. -refshments j. minuman dan makanan.
honor kb. 1 kehormatan. 2 kemurnian (of a woman). 3 Yang terhormat. (from of address to a judge). -honors j. 1 tanda-tanda jasa. 2 Bridge : kartu-kartu yang tertinggi. -kkt. menghormati. 2 menerima, menguan
trait kb. ciri, sifat. character t. ciri pembawaan.
vast ks. 1 luas (plains). 2 sangat banyak (a mounts, sums of money). -vastly kk. sangat. v. overrated sangat dilebih-lebihkan mutunya.
(n-uncount) Reparation is help or payment that someone gives you for damage, loss, or suffering that they have caused you.
           There is a clear demand amongst victims for some sort of reparation from offenders.
recommendation kb. 1 pujian, rekomendasi. 2 surat pujian. He has excellent recommendations Ia mempunyai surat-surat pujian yang sangat baik.
consideration kb. 1 pertimbangan. 2 perhatian, ketenggangan. 3 uang, upah. after due c. sesudah memikirkannya/menimbangnya baik-baik.
excuse kb. 1 alasan. 2 pernyataan menyesal, pernyataan maaf. -kkt. memaafkan. 2 membebaskan. 3 meminta maaf/permisi.
apologize kki. minta maaf. I apologized to her for coming late Saya minta maaf kepadanya karena terlambat datang. I apologized for my appearance Saya minta maaf karena pakaian saya kurang pantas.
forgive kkt. (forgave, forgiven) memaafkan, mengampuni. F. me for being late Maafkan atas kelambatanku. -forgiving ks. mudah memberi maaf. She's very f. Dia mudah sekali memberi maaf.
acquire kkt. 1 memperoleh, mendapatkan. 2 belajar.
itual kb. upacara agama. church r. susunan upacara gereja/kegerejaan. r. dance tari keagamaan.
(n-count) An antihistamine is a drug that is used to treat allergies.
depression kb. 1 Econ.: jaman meleset, depresi. 2 kemuraman, kehilangan. 3 bagian yang rendah atau dangkal. 4 penurunan.
You say excuse me to apologize when you have done something slightly embarrassing or impolite, such as burping, hiccupping, or sneezing.

Flu is an illness which is similar to a bad cold but more serious. It often makes you feel very weak and makes your muscles hurt.
           I got flu...
           He had come down with the flu.
(n-count) A sachet is a small closed plastic or paper bag, containing a small quantity of something.
           ...individual sachets of instant coffee.
      = packet
(n-var) The recommendations of a person or a committee are their suggestions or advice on what is the best thing to do.
           The committee's recommendations are unlikely to be made public...
           The decision was made on the recommendation of the Interior Minister.
  2  N-VAR
  A recommendation of something is the suggestion that someone should have or use it because it is good.
           The best way of finding a solicitor is through personal recommendation.
Takhayul , kurafat : itu setan punya kerjaan
(n-count) A memo is a short official note that is sent by one person to another within the same company or organization. Memo adalah catatan pendek resmi yang dikirim kepada orang lain dalam satu perusahaan atau organisasi (sifatnya umum tidak pribadi )
Sms : pesan pendek mirip memo tapi lebih pribadi

official kb. pegawai negeri. 2 (bank) pejabat. high officials pejabat-pejabat tinggi. -ks. resmi, opisi(i)l. -officially kk. secara resmi.
note kb. 1 catatan. 2 surat. 3 Fin.: surat hutang (at the bank). 4 nada. 5 Fin.: uang kertas. 6 nota. 7 surat pendek, katabelece. of n. penting, terkemuka. to take n. of memperhatikan. -kkt. 1 memperhati

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