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1.       LengkapiIdentitaspadalembarjawaban computer (LJK)denganbaikdanbenardengancaramenghitamkanbulatansesuaidenganidentitas.
2.       Waktu yang tersediaadalah 120 menituntukmenyelesaikanpaketsoal UKK.
3.       Jumlahsoal 50 butirpilihanganda, padasetiapbutirsoalterdapat 4(empat) pilihanjawaban.
4.       Periksalahkelengkapansoal, jumlahhalaman, no soaldankejelasansoal. Laporkanpadapengawasjikaditemukansoal yang rusak, kurangjelasatautidaklengkap.
5.       Tidakdiijinkanmenggunakankalkulator, HP, Tabel, kamusataualatbantulainnya.
6.       Mintalahkertasburamkepadapengawasjikadiperlukan.
7.       Periksalahpekerjaanandasebelumdiserahkankepadapengawasujian.
8.       Lembarsoaltidakboleh di corat-coret.
Choose the best answer!
Text for number 1 to 5
The Boy Who Cried Wolf
There was once a young shepherd boy who tended his sheep at the foot of a mountain near a dark forest. It was lonely for him watching the sheep all day. No one was near; except for three farmers he could sometimes see working in the fields in the valley below.
One day the boy thought of a plan that would help him get a little company and have some fun. He ran down toward the valley crying, “Wolf! Wolf!”
The men ran to meet him, and after they found out there was no wolf after all, one man remained to talk with the boy awhile.
The boy enjoyed the company so much that a few days later he tried the same prank again, and again the men ran to help him.
A few days later, a real wolf came from the forest and began to steal the sheep. The startled boy ran toward the valley, and more loudly than ever he cried, “Wolf! Wolf!”
But the men, who had been fooled twice before, thought that the boy was tricking them again. So no one came to help the boy save his sheep.

1.      This text is a _________________ text.
A.       Recount
C.     Descriptive
B.       Narrative
D.    Report
2.      Why did the boy shout “Wolf! Wolf!” at the first time?
A.      Because there was a wolf.
C.     Because he was lonely.
B.       Because he was afraid of the wolf.
D.    Because he liked a wolf.

3.      What did the wolf do?
A.    Accompanied the boy
C.     Stole the sheep
B.     Ran after the men
D.    Stayed with the boy

4.      The word ‘prank’ in paragraph 4 has the closest meaning to?
A.    Joke
C.     Conversation
B.     Fun
D.    Entertainment

5.      What is the moral value of that story?
A.    It is fun to make prank to others.
B.     We must keep wolf away from sheep.
C.     We should warn somebody if there is a danger
D.    We must tell the truth.

6.      Jasmin: Could you pass me the correction pen, please?
Bob:  ................, here you are
A.       Sure                                                          C.  Thank you 
B.       No,                                                           D. I doubt

7.      James : I think a tractor works faster than buffaloes.
Merry    : Well, it’s true but the farmers don’t like it.
James    : Why?
Merry    : Maybe it’s very expensive.
The underlined utterance expresses….
A.    Agreement                                                C.  Certainty
B.     Disagreement                                            D.  Uncertainty

8.      Dessi :How often do you swim a week?
Windi :Actually twice. But last week I only … once, because I prepared myself for the exams.
A.       swim                                                         C.  will swim
B.       swam                                                        D.  swimming
9.      not –  the flowers –  Ratih –  yesterday –  in –  did –  the garden –  water
 1         2                      3          4          5 6      7                      8
The correct arrangement is …
A.       3 – 1 – 8 – 7 – 5 – 2 – 6 – 4                     C.  3 – 6 – 1 – 5 – 7 – 8 – 2 – 4
B.       3 – 4 – 6 – 1 – 8 – 5 – 7 – 2                     D.  3 – 6 – 1 – 8 – 2 – 5 – 7 – 4

10.  Mira …….English in her study room all day yesterday.
A.       study                                                        C.  studied
B.       studies                                                      D.  is reading

Read the following text and answer questions 11 to 17
One hot day, an ant was searching for some water. After walking around for sometimes, she came to a spring.
To reach the spring, she had to climb up a blade of grass. While making her way up, she slipped and fell into the water.
She could have drowned if a dove up a nearby tree had not helped her, saying that the ant was in trouble. The dove quickly plucked a leaf and dropped it into the water near the struggling ant. The ant moved towards the leaf and climbed onto it. Soon, it carried her safely to the dry land. Just at the moment, a hunter nearby was casting his net towards the dove, hoping to trap it. Guessing what he was about to do, the ant quickly bit him on the heel. Feeling the pain, the hunter dropped his net. Quickly, the dove flew away to safety.

11.  What did the dove do to save the ant?
A.       It climbed the nearby tree.                       C.   It dropped a leaf.
B.       It saw the ant struggling                          D.   It carried the ant to dry land.

12.  What did the hunter do to the dove?
A.       He was hoping to eat it.                           C.  He was trying to shoot it.
B.       He was trying to trap it.                           D.  He was running towards it.

13.  Which statement is TRUE according to the text?
A.       The dove bit the hunter on the heel.        C. The hunter killed the dove.
B.       Both animals were finally safe.                D.  The ant bit the dove.

14.  What is the purpose of the text?
A.       To inform the readers about an ant.         C.  To entertain the readers.
B.       To describe the job of a hunter.               D.  To describe a dove.

15.  What can we learn from the story?
A.    One good turn deserves another.
B.     Don’t be greedy or you may lose.
C.     When there is a will, there is a way.
D.    It is wise to plan ahead for hard time.

16.  “………………, she came to a spring” (paragraph 1)
The underlined word means…..
A.       Water in a pail.                                         C.  Flood in the middle of the jungle.
B.       River in the middle of the city.                D. Water emerging from underground.

17.  “Soon, it carried her safely……..” (paragraph 3)
The underlined word refers to …….
A.       Ant                                                           C.  Dove
B.       Leaf                                                          D.  Spring

18.  Adi: Excuse me, …………where is the R. Samsudin, SH. hospital?
Budi: Yes sure,  just go straight down this road, and the Indomart is on the right side
A.       Can you tell me                                        C.What’s wrong
B.       This is Ahmad speaking                           D.  Do you agree

19.   Mr. Budi        : What do you think of our new house, dear?
Hani                 : …….  I don’t have enough room for my stuff.
A.       It is the best place, I believe.                   C.  It is beautiful, I think
B.       I think it’s too small                                 D.  I think it’s lovely
20.  Cintia  : Hello!,…………… May I speak to Aulia, please ?
Bona    : I’m sorry, she has just gone out.
A.       Do you know                                           C.What’s wrong
B.       I amCintia                                                D.  Do you agree

21.  Totok : Would you like any help?
Paul :  ................, but I think I can manage myself.
A.       Thanks                                  
B.       Yes, sure
C.       Here it is                      
D.       You’re right

Read the following text and answer questions 22 to 23

To : All English Club Members
     We would like to invite you to the coordination meeting to prepare for the Students’ English Proficiency Competition which will be held next month. The meeting will be held tomorrow, 17 th June 2015 after school. Don’t miss it.
English Club Chairman

22.  Who is Sofia?
A.    The participant                                          C.  An English club member
B.     One of the student                                    D.  The English club chairman

23.  What is the purpose of the text?
A.       To choose the best competition
B.       To be the winner in the competition
C.       To invite Sofia’s friends to join the competition
D.       To invite the club members to attend the meetings

Read the following text and answer question no.24
            Dear Anita,
      Please come to my 14th birthday party on:
       Date: Saturday, 2nd May 2015
       Time: 18:30 p.m.        
       Place: Happy Restaurant, Anyer Street, No. 25 Sukabumi
      I really hope that you can come. There will be something missing without your presence.

24.  When was Lina born?
A.    In 2000                                                C.  In 2002
B.     In 2001                                                D.  In 2003


We repair furniture. We make all types of chairs and tables. Telephone (0266) 893673. Jl. Dipayuda 15

25.  Why did the writer write the text?
A.       To offer the furniture
B.       To describe a certain furniture
C.       To sell and fix the furniture
D.        To buy the furniture
Read the text and answer questions 26 to 29.
One day I went to Bandung with my friend for a vacation. We went there on a night bus. When we arrived in Cianjur, the bus stopped for a rest. I got off the bus to get a cup of coffee but my friend did not. He went to a mosque to pray. Then I prayed and it took only a few minute to pray but when I came out, the bus was not there. It had gone. Shocked and confused, I asked the shopkeeper about the bus. She said that the bus had departed about five minutes.
I tried to call my friend on my cellphone but the battery was running low. I could not do anything but hope and pray. After several minutes, my wish came true. The bus came back! I got on the bus and walked to my seat. I was so ashamed when everybody on the bus looked at me. I could feel my face turned red. I asked my friend why she did not tell the driver that I was still outside. “I did. I told him several times that you were outside but he said that you were in the bus toilet because he saw a man going to the toilet”, my friend replied and laughed. The other passengers smiled at me. I was so embarrassed.
26.  What does the story tell us?
A.    The writer was left by the bus on his trip to Bandung.
B.     The writer arrived in Cianjur to visit is relatives.
C.     The writer could contact his friend.
D.    The writer and his friend enjoyed their trip to Bandung.

27.  What did the writer do when the bus stopped for a rest in Cianjur?
A.    Bought souvenirs and went to toilet.
B.     Drank a cup of coffee.
C.     Drank a cup of coffee and prayed.
D.    Drank a cup of milk.

28.  Why didn’t the writer call his friend?
A.    He didn’t bring his cell phone.                 C. The writer’s cell phone was broken.
B.     The battery was running low.                   D. There was no network.

29.  How did the writer feel?
A.      Happy
C.     Sad
B.       Shy
D.    Angry

Read this text for number 30-31

Subject            : What a cool!
Dear Melly,

On my last school holiday, my classmates and I went to Borobudur. The Borobudur temple is really magnificent. The hugeness of the temple really impressed me. How could our ancestors build a big temple? It was amazing.

In the temple, we went upstairs step by step. Walking around the temple, we saw many reliefs on the temple walls. Some foreigners seemed interested in them. I overheard their conversation with the guide. Actually,the reliefs tell a story.

It was really a nice experience! I hope you can go there someday.


30.  Borobudur temple is really magnificent.
The underlined word has a similar meaning with ...
A.       large                                                         C.  ancient
B.       wonderland                                              D.  rare

31.  What does the writer hope for Melly?
A.       She hopes that Melly could visit Borobudur.
B.       She wants to meet Melly soon.
C.       She needs Melly to visit her.
D.       She hopes Melly could be her friend.
32.  he –  waswhenworkedveryyounghardMr. Ramli
            1        2         3             4             5         6            7             8
The correct arrangement is …
A.       3 – 4 – 7 – 8 – 1 – 2 – 5 – 6                     C.  3 – 8 – 2 – 6 – 1 – 4 – 5 – 7
B.       3 – 8 – 2 – 5 – 7 – 1 – 4 – 6                     D.  3 – 8 – 7 – 5 – 1 – 2 – 4 – 6

33.  Teacher            : Would you mind not talking during the lesson?
Student            : …….
A.       Excuse me. I’ll talk to you                       C.  I am still happy
B.       I’m sorry. I’ll keep silent                          D.  OK, thanks

34.  Anto    : Do you think if I can use your motorcycle?
Deni     : …..  You don’t have the license yet.
A.       Of course                                                 C.  I think you can
B.       I don’t think so                                        D. I agree with you

Read the following text and answer questions 35 to 39

Last holiday I went to Paris. During my time in Paris I visited several places, such as a museum, capital building, beaches, and sat in public gardens. A friendly waiter taught me a few words of French. Then he lent me a book. I read a few lines, but I did not understand a word. Every day I thought about postcards. My holidays passed quickly, but I did not send any cards to my friends.
On the last day I made a big decision, I got up early and bought thirty seven cards. I spent the whole day in my room, but I did not write a single card! It was not easy to write many cards correctly and neatly.

35.  What is the main idea of the text about?
A. Visiting museum                                           C.  Words of French
B. Writing Postcard                                           D.My Holiday in Paris

36.  The word “he” in line 3 of the text refers to?
A.  The writer                                                     C.  The writer’s friend
B.  The waiter .                                                  D.  The waiter’s friend

37. Whom did the writer meet in Paris?
A. Friendly waiter                                             C.  Postman
B. His friends                                                    D.Mother

38. What was the first place the writer visited?
A. Museum
B. Public garden
C. Beaches
D. Capital building

39. The word friendly in the text of line 3 has the closest meaning with
   A.  kind hearted
   B.  polite
   C. diligent
   D. loyal

For questions 40 to 41 choose the best words to complete the text

Lee Min Ho
Lee Min Ho was born on 22 June 1987. He is a South Korean actor, singer and model. He is best known for his leading roles in Boys Before Flowers (2009), City Hunter (2011) and The Heirs (2013).
As a young child, Lee hoped to become professional football player, but an injury in the 5th grade of elementary school put an end to his dream. Lee, however still keeps up with football and has stated that Cristiano Ronaldo is his favorite player.

40. Why did he fail to be footballer ?Because ...
A.      he turned to modeling and acting
B.       he admires Christiano Ronaldo
C.       he got an injury in the 5th grade of elementary
D.      he acted in Boys Before Flowers

41. What is his last drama ?
A.       City Hunter
B.       Boys Before Flower
C.       The Good Doctor
D.       The Heirs

Dear all Students,
We would like to inform you that all the camping activities are postponed. There would be some guests from East Borneo local government would like to have comparative study at our school.
Please help us in arranging the school yard in order to be clean and tidy. We all have the power to make a new tomorrow different.
We, the Senior Class of Benglaps Junior High School, also invite you to come in the Anniversary of our school on Friday 1st June 2014 at 06.30 pm at Anton Auditorium Sukabumi.
                                                   Benglaps Junior High School Organization

42. Where will the anniversary be held?
A.       At the Benglaps Junior high school. 
B.       At Anton Auditorium.
C.       At the school yard.
D.       At  Sukabumi city Auditorium.
43. Which statement is NOT true based on the text?
            A.  All the camping activities are allowed.
            B.  East Borneo local government will visit the school
            C.  The School organization asks the students to clean the school.
            D.  All the students are invited into the anniversary of the school.

Read this text for number 44 – 45

 Lucy, Sorry I can’t keep my promise to go with you to the librarytoday.
 I’ve to meet my mother at 01.00 pm. She is not very well. Please, don’t be angry.

Your friend

44.  David writes the SMS to his friend to …
A.      apologize for not keeping the promise.
B.       remind Lucy that she has a promise with him.
C.       tell Lucy that he has to go to a meeting.
D.      say that he cannot meet her in the Mall.
45. David tries to apologize his friend by saying that she should not be ………….
A.      guilty
B.       happy
C.       sad
D.      disappointed
Complete the following paragraph with a correct word.
I went to Yogyakarta with my family….....(46) a school holiday a few years ago. It was getting dark, so we were looking for a hotel. Then we …....(47) upon two hotels next each other with rooms opening. We just randomly ………(48) one and settled for the night.

46.   A.  for
        B.  from
        C.  since
        D. during

47.   A. come
        B. came
        C. comes
        D. coming

48.   A. chooses
B. choosing                                                                                                                 
C. choose

49. Arrange these sentences to make a good paragraph.
1. After finishing the homework, Rahman made rujak.
2. I went to Rahman’s house yesterday to do homework.
3. Rahmad likes spicy food, so he made it very spicy
4. I went there with Dodi.

A. 3 – 1 – 2 – 4
B. 2 – 4 – 1 – 3
C. 4 – 3 – 2 – 1
D. 3 – 2 – 1 – 4
50. Arrange these sentences into a meaningful recount text.
  (1)   Thirty people died, all of them were British.
        (2) There were only four survivors, who managed to get out through a broken window.
        (3)   There was a terrible accident on the motorway near Gondolfo last night.
        (4)   Luckily the motorway was quiet and no other vehicle was involved in the crash.
        (5)   The bus was owned by Gladway Tours London.
        (6)   And the driver was in hurry.
        (7)   A bus overturned and caught fire.
        (8)   The bus left London two hours late.
The best arrangement is …
A.       3-7-1-5-4-2-6-8
B.       3-7-1-5-2-4-8-6
C.       3-7-5-2-1-6-8-4
D.       3-7-5-8-6-1-2-4

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